Dear Bargaining Unit Employees, we want to clarify that the James & Hoffman lawsuit survey is not affiliated with NAAE in any way at this point in time. We are still actively exploring our options and continuing discussions on this matter. As of now, there are only rumors and uncertainties to report. However, we remain committed to keeping you informed and will be hosting another town-hall style call soon to provide updates and address any concerns as soon as we have them. Our guidance on refraining from an MSPB complaint still applies. We are also aware of the 30-day window we are working with. In the meantime, we have added some resources to the website that may be helpful, particularly regarding HR-related matters. We encourage you to review them as needed. We understand this is a devastating blow to your lives and we are still open to talking to you directly if you have questions.
You may be see additional advertisements or ‘surveys’ from law firms asking for information. Please be aware that the NAAE is not affiliated with any of them. You have the right to seek out external representation, but proceed with caution when communicating with any outside entity. Please see our official call for information here. This is the only one that is currently affiliated with the NAAE and our legal counsel.